11 ways to remember your travel cup

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It can be hard to remember your reusable travel cups, lunch boxes, bags, and other reusable travel ware for even the most seasoned zero-waster.  But not to worry, we’ve highlighted some of our favourite tips to help you remember your reusable travel cup.

Why are reusable travel cups eco-friendly?

Using a reusable travel cup when you’re out shopping, running errands, or on holiday can help reduce millions of tons of single use plastic from going to landfill each year.  Not only does it prevent it from going to landfill, but it also prevents it from becoming litter that pollutes our streets, meadows, streams, and ultimately, our oceans.  By preventing this unnecessary waste, we’re helping to keep natural spaces and all their inhabitants healthy and clean

How are Huski Home reusable travel cups sustainable?

Not only do our cups reduce single-use plastic waste from going to landfill or becoming a pollutant, our travel cups help to reduce waste even more.  Our travel cups and lunch boxes are made using rice husk, a natural bi-product from the production of rice.  When rice is produced for food, the outer shell of the rice (rice husk) is removed.  

Rice is one of the most widely consumed grains in the world, which means the production of rice creates a massive amount of waste.  If this waste is not properly discarded it can become a pollutant to our planet, this is why we’ve found a way to repurpose it into a reusable, hard wearing, eco-friendly material.

 world refill day

11 Ways to remember your reusable travel cup

  1. Keep a travel cup in your handbag or backpack
  2. Keep your travel cup in your car
  3. Keep your travel cup by the door
  4. Leave a note by your door
  5. Leave a note where you keep your keys
  6. Keep your travel cup by your phone
  7. Hang your travel cup on your coat rack
  8. Put your travel cup by the shoe rack
  9. Set yourself an alarm to remember
  10. Put a reminder  in your calendar
  11. Change your phone screensaver to a reminder

How do you remember your reusable travel cups when leaving the house? Leave a message below to share.

Celebrate World Refill Day with us by using code REFILL2021 at check out for 10% off your order plus free shipping on orders over £40.

*Exclusions - offer excludes lunchbox and travel cup bundle items and expires 11:59pm 20th June 2021

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